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Member for Western Victoria, Bev McArthur recently used a constituency question to ask the Minister for Roads about an intersection of the Princes Highway west of Camperdown.

Residents had raised with the MP their concerns about the stretch of road close to the point at which the Castle Carey Road, Old Geelong Road, Darlington-Camperdown Road, Princes Highway and the main Melbourne–Warrnambool rail line all merge.

Mrs McArthur told the Parliament, “Currently the highway has little or no entrance ramp, and given the bend in the highway at this point it is difficult to join the high-speed traffic on the major roads safely, especially on days of limited visibility and especially with all the heavy vehicles using it.”

Mrs McArthur asked the Minister, “Given this major road safety matter is a priority for the Princes Highway West Action Alliance, a consortium of local government authorities, have any departments investigated the concerns residents and the consortium have about this section of the highway?”

"This is a major road safety issue and we would not want a catastrophic accident to occur before something is done to slow the traffic and make this very problematic intersection safe."

24 March 2020