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Member for Western Victoria Region, Bev McArthur used an adjournment debate in Parliament to ask the Minister for Roads about the proposed installation of wire rope barriers along the Princes Highway between Allansford and Panmure.

A community meeting was held by residents over the installation of the barriers, to which a representative from Regional Roads Victoria was invited, but did not attend.

Bev McArthur said “the local community, particularly a number of farmers, have made consistent attempts to ensure an engaged and informed response.”

“The installation of wire rope barriers will have an adverse effect on the safe operation of milk collection services, which in many circumstances occur twice daily. Any major alterations to the transit of produce could pose a serious hazard to tanker drivers and other road users.”

“The installation of wire rope barriers along this section of the road is a counterproductive Band-Aid solution which will only make the road more dangerous. A safer, long-term answer is required—for instance, the construction of a dual carriageway on the Princes Highway, as originally intended.”

"Prime farming land was forcibly acquired in 1972 from landowners to construct the dual highway and 47 years later, their solution is wire rope barriers while the forcibly acquired land now grows out of control roadside vegetation and is a bushfire waiting to happen. "

“Dairy farmers are already struggling with dilapidated, inadequately funded roads in western Victoria. The government’s addiction to wire rope barriers is just another obstacle to rural lives and family farms.”

Mrs McArthur asked the Roads Minister to present “the road safety audits and justification research that has warranted the installation of wire rope barriers between Allansford and Panmure which will seriously impact farmers in that area as well as a response from VicRoads to the community members affected by the issue.”


3 December 2019