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Member for Western Victoria, Bev McArthur has condemned the failure to fulfill the Magistrate’s Court’s compensation order by the animal activist who stole livestock from the Gippy Goat Café in 2018.

One year ago, Cara Garrett was fined $1 for the removal of an identifying ear tag from a stolen goat, $1 for housing livestock without a Property Identification Code and ordered to pay compensation of $250 for the theft of animals.

John Gommans, owner of Yarragon’s Gippy Goat Café, has not received a single cent of the compensation order and is subsequently forced to undergo further legal proceedings.

Quotes attributable to Bev McArthur MP:

“The threats and abuse received by Ms Garrett following her stunt were undeniably appalling and totally inappropriate. However, a thief is not vindicated nor allowed to play the victim-card to avoid obeying the law or the court’s orders.”

“This ongoing misbehaviour by radical animal activists contributes to significant concern and fear in rural communities – how can they feel safe on their farms, which are their homes, when extremists who are determined to destroy their legitimate industry, refuse to even follow court orders?"

“Obeying the law, respecting property rights and voicing political opinions through the ballot box not through violence, are bedrock principles of Australian society. Violating them should be condemned by all.”

“Victoria needs stricter laws to ensure animal activists adequately punished for livestock theft, trespass and biosecurity violations, which threaten the very existence of agriculture.”

18 March 2020