The lives of Lake Bolac students matter too

Last week, a very near miss happened outside the Lake Bolac College between a primary school student crossing a road and a passing car.

It frightened all those involved and who happened to witness the incident. A concerned member of the public saw the potential accident, notified police and his Upper House MP, Member for Western Victoria, Bev McArthur.

Mrs McArthur thanked her constituent and quickly made further inquiries.

However, she said it’s not the first time such an accident has been narrowly avoided at the site.

“The community has been requesting the installation of a pedestrian crossing with flashing lights on the road opposite the school for some time. The Mortlake-Ararat Road is a significant crossing,” Mrs McArthur advised the Victorian Parliament.

She has asked the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, Ben Carroll, to ensure a pedestrian crossing is built forthwith.

“No parent should have to send their child to school concerned about their safety.

“It’s a particular concern for Lake Bolac College because they have a student with a hearing impairment,” she said.

“The flashing lights in this instance, are critical, indeed life-saving.

“This school might be in the country, a long way from Melbourne, a long way from the tram tracks, but every child, teacher, supporter and parent at this school deserves safety and care like any other.

“In truth, the school has been too patient and probably too polite in asking for help.

“Last week’s near miss is enough.

“Now that the Premier is finally allowing students to return to school, he should also allow them to do this safely.

“Going to school is important, but so is coming home.”

26 October 2021