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ABC Writing Its Own Case For Defunding

The ABC has taken it upon itself to be a politically motivated creator of news, not an independent reporter of news, by officially referring to our national day, Australia Day, as Invasion Day.

It has used the term on its website and indicated it would not be right to force staff to only refer to January 26th as Australia Day.

Liberal Member for Western Victoria, Bev McArthur, said it is not the ABC’s right, or role, to change the name of our national day.

“This is outrageous behaviour by the ABC – and far beyond its remit, and statutory obligation to ensure that ‘the gathering and presentation of news and information is impartial’”, Mrs McArthur said.

“The And/Or naming option is not an option.

“This is a day that celebrates all Australians – all of our history – the good and the bad – and it has never pretended that our past is perfect.

“It is a day that is supposed to celebrate our unity, our differences, our futures together.

“Togetherness is not achieved by the left-wing radical view that wants to tear us down and apart.

“The ABC has chosen to be a political player in this matter.

“Can we now expect it to re-name our other days? What would it like to call ANZAC Day, or Remembrance Day?

“A taxpayer-funded organisation with a strict charter of obligations and standards should stick to them. It should not be acting as a political party or an activist group.

“But given that is exactly what it is doing, then the ABC is making its own case for defunding.”

An Ipsos Poll today found only 28 per cent of those polled - less than a third - wanted to change the date of Australia Day.

“This data clearly shows that the ABC is clearly not reflecting the views of the greater Australian public – merely the woke pre-occupations of the broadcaster’s metropolitan bubble.

“It is not the ABC’s role to make innocent Australians - who care very much for the indigenous culture and people – feel guilty about the nation’s past.”

Mrs McArthur said there are many days given to the acknowledgment of indigenous issues – including a week for Naidoc celebrations and Sorry Day - with almost every public event now initiated with a Welcome to Country.

“The ABC’s decision to use inflammatory wording that does not genuinely reflect our history - is a sad thing and a long way from what it is paid to do.”

25 January 2021