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Lily Must Back Down

A rally in support of Victoria’s brumbies was held today on the steps of Parliament.

The Andrews Labor Government is intent on shooting the brumby population, a scapegoat for the environmental damage caused by deer, pigs, dogs, cats, foxes, other pests and noxious weeds, which Parks Victoria seem incapable of managing.

The rally had a series of speakers from brumby organisations and members of parliament. They called on the Minister for Environment Lily D'Ambrosio to put a stop to the slaughter of these horses by her department, Parks Victoria.

The rally organisers presented a petition containing the signatures of reportedly 200,000 people.

Western Victoria MP Bev McArthur spoke at the rally, saying “I want every horse lover involved in equine recreation or the horse industry, to get behind the campaign to stop the shooting. That includes stock horsemen, pony club riders, the racing and trotting industry, equestrian and show competitors, carriage drivers in the CBD, polo, polo cross, hunting and the camp drafting community.”

“The Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government in New South Wales passed the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018. That legislation recognises the heritage value of sustainable wild horse populations within parts of Kosciuszko Park and protects that heritage.”

“It is my hope that the Victorian legislature could be equally supportive of our iconic wild horses.”

“This is not just an issue for the people of the High Country but an issue for all Victorians.”

“The shooting plan is not just an attack on the horses, it’s an attack on our heritage and history, which is typical of this Labor Government.”

“We should not pursue a backdoor strategy of eradication by rehoming the entire brumby population, but instead we need to sustain a wild horse population that can run free.”

5 May 2021