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Save Our Statues

Western Victoria MP Bev McArthur tabled a motion in Parliament today condemning the vandalism of statues of former Prime Ministers, John Howard and Tony Abbott, that took place on Friday in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.

The motion labelled the vandals “self-appointed arbiters of public commemoration” and their actions “not only criminal but fundamentally anti-democratic and offensive to the majority of law-abiding Ballarat residents of all political persuasions.”

Mrs McArthur expressed her dismay at the miscreants for forcing Ballarat ratepayers to now “meet the financial cost of restoring the statues damaged by… short-sightedness and self-indulgence.”

Mrs McArthur said that “The Victorian Government must ensure the preservation and protection of all statues across the state from belligerent vandals, who are determined to erase the rich and proud history of Australia.”

16 June 2020
